+94 24 222 0179 | deanfas@vau.ac.lk
Posted On 12 Sep, 2021

NOTICE: Online Examination

Students who have applied to take BSc (Applied Mathematics and Computing/ Environmental Science/ Information Technology/ Information and Communication Technology) Degree, Level 1 Semester I of the academic year 2018/2019.


Faculty of Applied Science 

University of Vavuniya, Sri Lanka




Declaration by Student



BSc (Applied Mathematics and Computing/ Environmental Science/ Information Technology/ Information and Communication Technology) Degree, Level I

Academic Year 2018/2019



Students who have applied to take BSc (Applied Mathematics and Computing/ Environmental Science/ Information Technology/ Information and Communication Technology) Degree, Level 1 Semester I Examination are required to express their willingness and agreement to take the above examination online. 


Therefore, all the Proper, MC, and Repeat students who have applied for the above examination are requested to fill in the google form on or before 15.09.2021.


Online exam Guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRVSu2seG-Hjxn2btfFEEaJMFgtHq2wk65BJmxCUmak6AQDoAqjtbqC7b_myYrh9Q/pub


Google Form: https://forms.gle/icm6TWVezUJRGfyn6


An online meeting will be arranged in due course.


Dean/ Faculty of Applied Science 
