The Workshop on Research Methodology
The workshop on Research Methodology was held under AHEAD operation of the Faculty of Applied Science on April 18, 2021. The workshop was organized for the special degree students of the faculty of Applied Science from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm at the computer laboratory of the Faculty of Applied Science, Pampaimadu, Vavuniya Campus. The workshop was facilitated by the resource person, Dr.S.Kirushanth, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Science, Vavuniya campus of the University of Jaffna. This workshop aims to train special degree research students of the Faculty of Applied Science about essential elements of research methodology, such as Research Proposal, Research Questions, Research Design, Type of Data Analysis, and Writing Manuscript, under AHEAD/sub-activity 5.3. 51 participants participated in the workshop.
The following core concepts were covered in the workshop:
• Research concepts and its methodologies.
• Appropriate current research topics identification and the selection of appropriate research problems and parameters
• Organize and conduct research in a more appropriate manner
• Write a research report, article/paper and thesis.
The workshop was conducted successfully and many of the participants took an active part in full-time of the workshop. The summary of the results from the feedback of the participants shows that the workshop.