Mr. S. Thilaganathan
B.Sc. Hons (Mathematics) (EUSL), PGDip (Peradeniya), M.Phil (Peradeniya)
Senior Lecturer Gr.II
+94 773468680
Academic Records
- M.Phil. in Mathematics (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2017)
- PGDip. in Industrial Mathematics (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2010)
- BSc. (Hons.), Special in Mathematics (Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2006)
Previous Positions
- Temporary Tutor and Temporary Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics (On contract)(2005-2009), Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Temporary Lecturer and Lecturer Probationary (2009-2018), Department of Physical Science, Vavuniya Campus, University of Jaffna.
Admin Roles
- Coordinator, Well-Being, Committee, Faculty of Applied Science, 2019 to date
- Member, News Letter Committee, Vavuniya Campus, 2019 to date
- Member-Program Review – 2019 to date.
- Member of the Faculty level Curriculum Evaluation Committee, Faculty of Applied Science, 2019 to date
- Member, Vavuniya Campus International Research Symposium -2019.
- Inquiry Officer, Vavuniya Campus, 2019 Feb.-2020 Aug.
- Member of Applied Science Faculty Board, 2019 to date.
- Member of Sports Advisory Committee, 2011-2014.
- Member of the Faculty level Research Committee, Faculty of Applied Science, 2019 to date.
- Member of the Faculty level Anti Ragging Committee, Faculty of Applied Science, 2019 to date.
- Member, First Annual Research Session 2020 (Faculty of Applied Science) -2020.
Professional Certification
- Certificate in Teaching Higher Education, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, 2010
Workshops and Short Courses Participated
- Short Course on “Computer and Computational Mathematics”conducted by the Post Graduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, 2006
- Work shop on “Cooperate Plan” conducted by Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2006.
- Work shop on “Quality Related Issues in Higher Education in Sri Lanka” Organized by Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council UGC/ Ministry of Higher Education.
- Training Programme on “Developing Research Competencies” which is Sponsored by Higher Education for the Twenty first Century (HETC) project, Ministry of Higher Education in 2011.(Five Days)
- Completed “Staff Induction Program” for probationary Lecturers conducted by University of Jaffna in 2010.
- 5thNational workshop on “Scientific Writing” organized by Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya in 2014.
Resource Person
- Visiting Lecturer for Bachelor of Engineering Technology degree program, The Open University of Sri Lanka (Vavuniya Study Centre), 2010-2014 and 2016-2017
- Visiting Lecturer for Bachelor of Management Studies Program, The Open University of Sri Lanka (Vavuniya Study Centre), 2010-2014 and 2016-2018
- Visiting Lecturer for Bachelor of Applied Physics and Electronics degree program, Trincomalee Campus of Eastern University SriLanka, Sri Lanka- 2019.
Undergraduate Teaching
- AMA1113- Differential Equations
- PMA1113- Foundation of Mathematics
- Numerical Computing I and II (2012-2013)
- PMA1213- Analysis and Number Theory
- AMA1213- Methods of Applied Mathematics
- AMA2223-Fluid Dynamics (2009-2014)
- PMA3213- Algebraic Structures and Complex Variables
- AMA3213-Analytical Dynamics (2018)
- SCOS 4113-Advanced Numerical Analysis
- PMA2113- Linear Algebra
- SCOS 4232 & SCOS4241-Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations (Finite Element Method) (2019)
- TICT1213-Mathematics for Technology(2020-todate)
Research Interests
- Numerical Analysis
- Approximation Theory and Harmonic Analysis
- Symmetries and Conservational laws, non-local symmetries of differential equations and non-classical and non-classical potential symmetries of partial differential equations.
- Vigneswaran, R. and Thilakanathan, S. “A combined error control with forward Euler method for dynamical systems”, International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Vol: 3, No: 5, 2016.
- Vigneswaran, R. and Thilaganathan, S. “Phase space error control with variable time-stepping algorithms applied to the forward Euler method for autonomous dynamical systems”, Advances in Mathematical Sciences, vol.01, 2019, pp: 16-26.
International Conferences
- Thilaganathan, S. and Vigneswaran, R. “Phase space error control with variable time-stepping algorithms applied to the forward Euler method for dynamical systems”, Jaffna University International Research Conference Aug.12-13, 2016(JUICE 2016), Proceedings, pp. 293-299.
- Thilaganathan, S. and Vigneswaran, R. “Phase space error control with variable time-stepping algorithms applied to the explicit Runge-Kutta methods for autonomous dynamical systems” International Conference in Mathematics and Mathematics Education, March 22-23, 2019(ICMME 2019), Conference Proceedings, pp:47
- Thilaganathan, S. (2020). “Analytic series solution to Ordinary differential equations”. 6th International Conference on Education and Distance Learning-2020(ICEDL2020), 27th August 2020, pp.29
Local Conference Publications
- Thilaganathan, S. Vigneswaran, R. and Samarathunga, D.M, “Phase space theta error control with general explicit Runge-Kutta methods for dynamical systems”, Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress Oct. 7-8, 2016(RESCON 2016), Conference Proceedings, pp:50
- Wijesuriya,W.M.R.M., and Thilaganathan, S.(2020).” Limitations on Numerical Iterative Solution of two dimensional partial differential equations”, 1st Annual Research Session, Faculty of Applied Science, Vavuniya Campus, University of Jaffna -2020 (FARS2020), 2nd December 2020, pp.07-14.