Mr. S. Kuhanesan
B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics (Peradeniya, SL), M.Phil. (Peradeniya, SL)
Senior Lecturer Gr.I (On Sabbatical Leave)
Material Physics, Application of Information and Communication Technology, Programmable IC programming (PIC programming), Assessment of Intensity of light in study areas
Academic Records
- M.Phil, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 2005
- B.Sc (Special in Physics), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 1995
Admin Roles
- Dean, Faculty of Applied Science (12th June 2016 – 25th March 2019)
- Dean, Faculty of Applied Science (12th June 2013 – 11th June 2016)
- Acting Dean, Faculty of Applied Science (14th May 2013 – 11th June 2013)
- Dean, Faculty of Applied Science (12th May 2009 – 13th May 2012)
- Head Department of Physical Science (2008 – 2009), (2012 – 2013)
- Coordinator for M/E/D program Vavuniya Center (2015 – to date)
- Coordinator for IT Technology program Faculty of Applied Science (2014 – to date)
- Student Counselor Faculty of Applied Science (2006 – 2009)
- Convener SSC (Academic counseling and staff student relationship) (2009 – to date)
- Academic Tutor Department of Physical Science (2009 – to date)
- Coordinator for IT Skills enhancement under HETC Project UDG grant (2010 – 2014)
- Member for curriculum Development committee (2009 – 2012), (2013 – to date)
- Member for Research and publication Committee (2009 – 2012), (2013 – to date)
- President Vavuniya Campus Teacher’s Association (2006 – 2007)
- Vice president Vavuniya Campus Teacher’s Association (2006 – 2007)
- Senior Treasurer Vavuniya Campus Students’ Union (2010 – 2012), (2015 – to date)
- Senior Treasurer Faculty of Applied Science Students’ Union (2009 – 2010)
- Senior Treasurer Muslim Majilis of Vavuniya Campus (2010 – to date)
- Senior Treasurer Computer Society Faculty of Applied Science (2015 – to date)
Professional Certification
Certificate in Teaching Higher Education (CTHE), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2003
Resource Person
- Resource Person in the G.C.E. (A/L) Physics provincial level Teacher Training Programmes under the new syllabus implemented in 2009, National Institute of Education (NIE), Northern Province: June (26 – 28), 2010, Eastern Province: July (17 – 19), 2010.
- Resource Person in the public presentation on “Earthquake, Tsunami and Volcanoes”, The English Association of Vavuniya, November 29, 2008.
Teaching Interest
- Electronics
- Environmental Physics
- Mechanics
- Science for Non-Science Students
- Material Physics
- Thuseethan, S., Achchuthan, S. and Kuhanesan, S.: “Usability evaluation of learning management system in Sri Lanka”, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology,20015 15 (1) , pp15 -24,2015.
- Kuhanesan, S.: “Fracture Toughness and Crazing Behaviour of Polystyrene Thin Films with Different Film Thickness and Tearing Speeds”, Proceding of the Wayamba International Conference(WINC 2014), University of Wayamba , pp 26 ,29 -30 August 2014.
- Thuseethan, S.and Kuhanesan, S.: “ Theoretical and Laboratorial Supportive Learning Toolkit for Refraction of Light in Different Mediums” , Proceding of the Wayamba International Conference(WINC 2014), University of Wayamba , pp 53 ,29 -30 August 2014.
- Thuseethan, S.and Kuhanesan, S.: “Influence of Facebook in Academic Performance of Sri Lankan University Students”, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology , 20014, 14 (4) , pp29 -35,2014.
- Thuseethan, S.and Kuhanesan, S.: “Effective Use of Human Computer Interaction in Digital Academic Supportive Devices” ,International Journal of Science and Research 2014, 3 (6), pp 388-392,2014.
- Thuseethan, S.and Kuhanesan, S.: “Eigenface Based Recognition of Emotion Variant Faces”, Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems 2014. 5 (7), pp31-37,2014.
- Kuhanesan, S. and Satkunarajah, S.: “Partial Functionality and Service Worthiness In Comprehensive Networked Virtual Environment”, International Journal 2013. 2 (3), pp19-23,2013.
- Shelton, S. and Kuhanesan, S.: “ , 2014, 2014An Efficient Management Approach for Remotely Connected Network”, Annual Science Research Session-2013, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka,pp 35,2013.
- Shelton, S. and Kuhanesan, S.: “Quality of Service for Limited Performance In Broad Networked Virtual Environment”, Annual Science Research Session2013, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka pp23,2013.
- Shelton, S. and Kuhanesan, S.: “Variation Factors of Mobile Learning Over Electronic Learning in Information and Communication Technology Cultures Across Education”, 2nd International Conference of Social Science 2013, University of Keleniya, pp 50,2013.
- Kuhanesan, S.: “Fracture Toughness and Crazing Behaviour of Virgin and Filler Added Polystyrene Films” , Ceylon Journal of Science: Physical Science (10) , pp 7 – 14,2005.
- Kuhanesan, S., Ekanayake, P.and Karunaratne, B.S.B.: “ Effects of Carbon Black, Alumina and Fumed Silica Fillers on the Fracture Toughness of Polystyrene thin Films”, Proceedings of the Annual Science Research Session 2004,University of Peradeniya, pp 157,2004.
- Kuhanesan, S., Ekanayake, P.and Karunaratne, B.S.B.: “Fracture Toughness of polystyrene thin Films”, Proceedings of the Annual Science Research Session 2003, University of Peradeniya ,pp 189,2003.
- Kuhanesan, S., Ekanayake, P.and Karunaratne, B.S.B.: “Study of Crazing Behavior of Polystyrene Polymers” , Annual Science Research Session 2002, University of Peradeniya pp 137,2002.