Mr. N. Kajan
B.Sc. (Hons) in Mathematics (Jaffna)
Lecturer (Prob.)
Coarse space , Coarse Geometry , Coarse Structure and Coarse equivalent ,Fuzzy metric space and Fuzzy system, Abstract Algebra
Academic Records
B.Sc. (Hons) in Mathematics. (University of Jaffna, 2018)
Admin Roles
Previous Positions:
- Temporary Instructor and Temporary Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, faculty of Science , University of Jaffna, Srilanka (09.05.2018- 01-09-2021)
- Temporary Instructor in Engineering Mathematics Discipline at the Department of interdisciplinary Studies, faculty of Engineering , University of Jaffna (01.10.2021-31.12.2021)
- Temporary Assistant Lecturer in Interdisciplinary studies at the department of interdisciplinary studies, faculty of Technology, University of Jaffna (05.01.2021-28.02.2022)
- Complex Variables
- Analytical Dynamics
- Linear Algebra
- Vector Calculus
- Mathematical Modelling
Research Interests:
- Coarse space , Coarse Geometry , Coarse Structure and Coarse equivalent
- Fuzzy metric space and Fuzzy system
- Abstract Algebra
- Kannan,K and Kajan,N. “Some behaviour of Coarse Structure and Coarse Equivalent ”, Advances in Mathematics Scientific Journal, vol(10) :No:9,2020,pp 7719-7724
- Kannan,K and Kajan,N. “Some Results on Fuzzy metric space and Some examples of Fuzzy b-metric space”, Advances in Mathematics Scientific Journal, vol(10) :No:9,2020,pp 7725-7732
Local Conference Publications:
- Kajan,N and Kannan,K. “Some results related with Coarse space, Coarse map and Coarse equivalent” ,Vingnanam International research conference , University of Jaffna (VIRC -2018), 4th July 2018.
- Kajan,N and Kannan,K, “ Some results related with Coarse structure, Coarse map and Coarse Equivalent” , 3rd International research symposium on pure and applied science, University of Kelaniya (IRSPAS 2018) ,26th October 2018.
- Kajan,N and Kannan,K . “Some behaviour of Coarse Structure and Coarse Equivalent”, 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education, University of Peradeniya (ICMME), 23rd March 2019.
- Kajan,N and Kannan,K . “Some results on Fuzzy metric space and fuzzy b-metric space”, 4th International Research Symposium on pure and applied sciences, University of Kelaniya (IRSPAS 2019), 25th October 2019.
- Kajan,N , Kannan,K and Sritharan,T .“Some Results Related with Fuzzy metric space and Strong Fuzzy metric space”, 7th International Science and Technology Conference, University of Ruhuna, (RISTCON 2020), 22nd January 2020.
- N.Kajan, K. Kannan and T.Sritharan., “Fixed point theorem on strong fuzzy metric space”, Vingnanam International Research Conference,(VIRC-2022). 21st July 2022. Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
- N.Kajan, K.Kannnan., “Some properties of Fuzzy compact Topological space and Strong Fuzzy metric space”,14th Applied Science, Business & Industrial Research Symposium, (ASBIRES),4th April 2023. Faculty of Sciences, Wayamba University of Srilanka, Kuliyapitiya, Srilanka.
- N.Kajan, K.Kannan., “Some properties of Fuzzy metric spaces”, Proceeding of the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education, (ICMME2023), 14th -15th July 2023, Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Srilanka.
- Professor Chellapah Suntharalingam Gold medal for the best performance in Mathematics units at the Honours Degree examination in Science 3M and 4M (2015 and 2016)
- Sir Arunachalam Mahadeva Memorial prize for the best performance in the Honours Degree examination in Science (mathematics) (2016)
- Pradeepan Jeganathan Memorial Scholarship for the best performance in mathematics units of General Degree examination in science level 1G and 2G (2013 and 2014)
- University prize for the best performance in physical science at the General Degree Examination in science level 2G (2014)
- University prize for the best performance in the special degree examination in science level 3M (2015)
- Memory of S.Theyagarajah award for Best performance Appreciation by YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Jaffna. (2019)