Mr. K. Santhanakrishnan

Mr. K. Santhanakrishnan
B.Sc.(Hons) (Computer Science) (Jaffna,SL), M.Sc in Computer Science (PDN,SL)
Instructor Gr.II
- M.Sc. in Computer Science (Peradeniya)
- B.Sc. (Hons) (Computer Science) (Jaffna)
- ICIAfS-2010 Post Conference Workshop on ICT for Sustainability, University of Jaffna, 21-22 December 2010.
- SLSWCS Sri Lanka Student Workshop on Computer Science -2011, University of Jaffna, 08th of December 2011.
- “Effective Teaching of ICT” organized as a sub-activity for enhancing ICT skills under UDG/HETC, University of Jaffna, 23 January & 07 February 2013.
- Stake Holder meeting for Curriculum Revision conducted by Department of Physical Science, Faculty of Applied Science, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna held on 14th of March 2018.
- Scientific Writing, Postgraduate Institute of Science (PGIS), University of Peradeniya held on 29th and 30th of June 2019.
- IEEE Summer School on Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications, Department of Computer Science, University of Jaffna held on 12-14 of July 2023.
Workshops and sessions conducted as a resource person
- Conducted workshop on Computer Laboratory Maintenance for the NVQ Level4 students of the Trincomalee Vocational Training Centre on 28.11.2019 at the Department of Physical Science, Faculty of Applied Science, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna.
- Conducted workshop on Computer Laboratory Maintenance for the NVQ Level4 students of the Trincomalee Vocational Training Centre on 26.02.2020 at the Department of Physical Science, Faculty of Applied Science, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna.
- Conducted session on Basics of Computer Operations and Use of Online Tools for Teaching and Learning: Zoom in the Orientation Programme to the first-year students of Information Technology held on 28.08.2020.
- Instructor in Computer Science (On Contract) from Nov 2009 to Oct 2010
- Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna.
- Instructor (On Contract) from Oct 2010 to May 2012
- Computer Unit, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
Level 1: | Old Syllabus:
ICT1172: Practical for Object Oriented Program Design ICT1162: Practical for Introduction to Program Design and Programming ICT1262: Practical for Operating System ICT1242: Practical for Data Structures New Syllabus: IT1134: Fundamentals of Programming (Practical) IT1214: Object Oriented Programming (Practical)
Level 2: | Old Syllabus:
ICT2152: Practical for Design and Analysis of Algorithms ICT2172: Practical for Visual Computing (Rapid Application Development) New Syllabus: IT2143: Visual Programming (Practical)
Level 3: | Old Syllabus:
ICT3262: Practical for Multimedia and Web Development New Syllabus: IT3143: Digital Image Processing (Practical) IT3243: Parallel Computing (Practical) |
Level 4: | Old Syllabus:
ICT4261: Practical for Parallel and Cluster Computing |
New Syllabus:
CSH3254: Parallel Computing (Practical) CSH4144: Machine Learning (Practical)
- Member of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya from 2012 to date.
- Member of the Faculty level Web Committee, Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya from August of 2020 to date
- Member of the University Business Linkage (UBL) Cell, Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya from August of 2019 to date
- Member of the Network Infrastructure and Monitoring Committee, Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya from May of 2018 to date.
- Member of the Management Information System Committee, Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya from July of 2020 to date.
- Member of the Committee for the criteria 06: Learning Environment Student Support & Progression for the Program Review of the study programs being offered by the Department of Physical Science, Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya.
- Member of the Committee for the criteria 07: Student Assessment & Awards for the Program Review of the study programs being offered by the Department of Physical Science, Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya.
- Executive Member of the Main Organizing Committee for the Second Faculty Annual Research Session-2021 organized by the Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya.
- Chairman of the Website and Promotion Committee for the Second Faculty Annual Research Session-2021 organized by the Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya.
- K.Santhanakrishnan, V.Senthuran “A Parallel distributed Cluster Computing Model for Z-Score Computation in Respect of Sri Lankan University Admissions”, In IEEE International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC’22), 23-24 February 2022 (Published and Presented).
- K.Santhanakrishnan, V.Senthuran “A Framework for MySQL Pre-Processor with Interactive User Interfaces” at EdHat International Research Conference on Information Communication Technology (ICT) 23 Nov 2018 (Published and Presented).