Dr. T. Kartheeswaran
B.Sc. (Hons) in ICT (Jaffna, SL), M.Sc. in Computer Science (Peradeniya, SL) Ph.D. (BGU, Israel)
Senior Lecturer Gr. II
Academic Records
- Ph.D. (BGU, Israel)
- M.Sc. in Computer Science (Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)
- B.Sc. (Hons) in ICT (Jaffna, Sri Lanka)
Admin Roles
- Student Counselor, Faculty of Applied Science
- Member, Handbook Committee, Faculty of Applied Science
- Member of Web Committee, Faculty of Applied Science
Previous Position
- Lecturer (Probationary) in Computer Science and Technology (Feb 2015 – Dec 2016), Department of Computer Science and Technology, Uva Wellassa University, Badulla Sri Lanka
- H.D.P.Geethma , Smart Restaurant, Mobile App and Web Design Project, BIT External Degree Program , University of Moratuwa.
Resource Person
- Resource Person, Fair Use of Social Media and Awareness, Youth Service Council, Vavuniya
- Resource Person, Science Project Planning and Design, School Students, Mannar District
Institutional Development
- Contributed to develop a new curriculum for the IT degree programme, Department of Physical Science, Vavuniya Campus, 2018
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- Advanced Computer Networks
- Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
- Operating Systems
- Mobile Computing
- Fundamentals of Programming
- Rapid Application Development
Research Interests
- Bioinformatics and Computational Precision Medicine
- IoT
- Parallel Computing (CUDA)
- FARS 2021
International Conferences
- Amalka Iloshini, P.A. , Wijesinghe, M.W. A. C. R., Kartheeswaran, T. Weerasooriya, W. M. P. S., Dots Witer: Prediction of Potential Cancer Driver Genes using Hybrid Approach, IEEE-ICAC,2019, SLIIT.
- Yanusha M., Kartheeswaran,T.,Lojenaa,N., Usability and Accessibility Analysis of Online Banking Systems in Sri Lanka, IEEE-ICCIC,2018, IEEE
- C.M, Wijerathne.G.S , Fernado.P.E, Kartheeswarn.T, “Detection of Solar Flares Using Image Processing Techniques”, 2017,ICSIP-2017. Mysore, India pp 84-87
- Kartheeswaran,T, Gopinath,S, Lojenaa,N, Senthooran,V, “Usability and Accessibility Analysis of Government of Websites of Sri Lanka” ,2016, IEEE TENSYMP 2016, Bali Indonesia
- Sharad B. Jadhav, Shriram D. Raut Vikas T. Humbe, T. Kartheeswaran, “A Low-Cost Contactless Palm Print Device to Recognize Person based on Texture Measurement” Savitribai Phule Pune University Sponsored National Conference on “Mechatronics”,2016
National Conferences and Abstracts
- Bavaram, K; Kartheeswaran, T; Edwin Linosh, N, “Counterfeit Arduino Board Detection Using Image Processing”, Vavuniya Campus, Faculty of Applied Science, First Annual Research Session – 2020, 02 December 2020.
- Jayanitha,S.,Kartheeswaran,T.,Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Bioinformatics Applications, VCIRS-2019, Vavuniya Sri Lanka., pp 76-81
- Jerom,Y. Kartheeswaran, T. , Phone Usage Pattern Analysis Towards Service Enhancement, ResCon – 2019, pp 44
- Herath,H,M,P,K, Karunarathne, A,G,C, Liyanage,R,L.;Kartheeswaran, T, Etampawala,T and Ranasinghe,R,M,I,S. “Characterization of the Mechanical Behavior of Packaging Material Using Digital Image Processing”. IRSUWU-2018, Badulla, Sri Lanka.,pp 110
- Kartheeswaran,T Lojenaa,N Vaishali,R Shathana,R ,“Memory Wastage analysis using variable Alignment”, 2015,ICBI-2015 ,22 November 2015.
- Kartheeswaran,T ,Ketheesan,T , “Computational Classification of Molecular Expression of Thyroid Cancer”, SLSWCS-13 ,2013 ,14 December 2013.
- Kartheeswaran, Mathialakan,T , “A Software Tool for Monitor the Event-Related with Print and Directory in a Computer System”, 3rd Vavuniya Campus Annual Research Session, 2010, Proceedings ISBN-1800-4911,pp16, 27 October 2010.
- Best Performance Award in M.Sc. in Computer Science (Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)