Mr. T. Keerthanaram
BSc.Hons (Env Sc) (Jaffna), Masters (Peradeniya)
Lecturer (Probationary)
+94 766028899
Biodiversity and Conservation, Ecotourism, Applied Ecology and Community Environment, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Academic Records
- Master of Science in Biodiversity, Ecotourism and Environment Management, Post Graduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, 2024.
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science, University of Jaffna, 2022.
Admin Roles
- Student Counselor, Faculty of Applied Science (2024/2025)
- Biodiversity and Conservation
- Ecotourism
- Applied Ecology and Community Environment
- Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
- Keerthanaram,T., Pramod,L., Riskhan,M., and Sasindu,H.U.C (2020) ‘Perception of human-elephant conflict in Pokkunutenna, Sri Lanka: A case study.’ Proceedings of the First Annual Research Session (FARS) 2020, Vavuniya, Sri Lanka: Faculty of Applied Science, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna. [Full-paper]
- Yasanthika,W.H.P., Keerthanaram,T., Sanjeewani,H.K.N., Naveendrakumar,G. and Akther, M.S.R. (2020) `Preliminary assessment of marine phytoplankton distribution and fish-catch in Sri Lanka’. Proceedings of the First Annual Research Session (FARS) 2020, Vavuniya, Sri Lanka: Faculty of Applied Science, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna. [Full-paper]
- Keerthanaram.T., Nafla. AWF., Rinuza. A.R., Shama. A.F., Wijerathna. H.M.P.A. (2022) `Preliminary checklist of medicinal plants and their Family Important Value Assessment (FIV) within various communities of the Vavuniya District, Sri Lanka’. 6th International Conference on Medicinal Plants, Herbal Products & Hydroponics (ICMPHP6)- 2022 [Poster-presentation]
- Keerthanaram.T., Poornima. HMPA., Sanjeewani.H.K.N. (2022) `A preliminary survey of the avifaunal diversity in Pampaimadu Premise of the University of Vavuniya, Vavuniya, Sri Lanka’. 27th International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2023 [Abstract-presentation]
- Tharaha.N., Keerthanaram.T. (2023) ‘Weighted Ensemble Deep Learning for Automatic Classification of Sri Lankan Butterfly Families’. Proceedings of the Fourth Faculty Annual Research Session 2023 (FARS2023), Vavuniya, Sri Lanka: Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya. [Abstract-Poster presentation]
- Tharaha.N., Keerthanaram.T., Logiraj.K., Jeyamugan.T., Nagulan.R. (2023) `Automatic Identification of Sri Lankan Butterfly Families using Weighted Ensemble Deep Learning’. 5th International Conference on Advancements in Computing (ICAC) 2023 IEEE [IEEE Conference Paper]
- Kuhanesan.S., Arjunan.K., Keerthanaram T., (2023) `Status of Noise Pollution in Urban and Sub-Urban Environments, Vavuniya District, Sri Lanka’. 9th International Conference of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka [Extended Abstract]
- Keerthanaram.T., Dhivyatharshini. T., Vinith Steeban. T. (2023) ‘Exploring Mannar’s Inland Water Body Koraikulam: A Comprehensive Study on Benefits, Characteristics, Pollution, and Global Significance’. Nineth International symposium on Water Quality and Human Health: Challenges Ahead, Postgraduate Institute of Science (PGIS), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka [Conference Proceedings-Abstract]
- Best Paper Award – International Conference on Advancements in Computing – ICAC 2023, Sri Lankan Institute of Information Technology, Malabe, Sri Lanka, `Automatic Identification of Sri Lankan Butterfly Families using Weighted Ensemble Deep Learning’: Tharaha.N., Keerthanaram.T., Logiraj.K., Jeyamugan.T., Nagulan.R. (2023)
- Gold medal – (Mrs).Puvneswary Loganathan: Highest OGPA in Environmental Science (2022)
- University Prize (Thambiah Mudaliyar Chatram Trust): Best performance Level III (2020)
- University Prize (Thambiah Mudaliyar Chatram Trust): Best Performance I (2018)
- Faculty Award: Faculty of Applied Science: Level IV
- Faculty Award: Faculty of Applied Science: Level III
- Faculty Award: Faculty of Applied Science: Level II
- Dean list: Faculty of Applied Science Semester I, Level IV
- Dean list: Faculty of Applied Science Semester I, Level III
- Dean list: Faculty of Applied Science Semester II, Level III
- Dean list: Faculty of Applied Science Semester I, Level II
- Dean list: Faculty of Applied Science Semester II, Level II