Dr. S. Wijeyamohan
BScHons (Zoology) (Peradeniya), PhD (Peradeniya)
Senior Lecturer Gr. II
+94 772369240
Wildlife Ecology, Conservation & Management.
Academic Records
- PhD (Peradeniya)
- BScHons (Zoology) (Peradeniya)
Admin Roles
- From 2007: Researcher, for Sri Lanka program of Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey Center for Elephant Conservation in Florida, USA.
Previous occupations
- 1994-1996: Temporary Assistant Lecturer, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- 1996-1996: Research Student Fellow, Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka
- 1997-1998: Temporary Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, South-Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Sammanthurai., Sri Lanka
- 1998–2007: Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences Vavuniya campus of the University of Jaffna, Kurumankadu, Vavuniya, Sri Lanka.
- 2008-2017: Coordinator, Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Center for Elephant Conservation, USA- Sri Lanka Project.
- Long term study on the fluctuation of body condition pattern in elephant populations of Uda Walawe and Wasgamuwa National Parks (the study was going on for last five years)
- Studying elephant distribution and pattern of human-elephant conflict in the Northern Province
- Implementation of low cost low tech electric fence to curb wild elephant intrusion into isolated villages
- Implementation of an invented model of “Hanging Fence” to prevent wild elephants entering garbage dumping areas
- Adjunct Faculty at The Wiiliam H. Darr School of Agriculture, Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri, USA.
- Member of the IUCN Asian Elephant Specialists Group
- Member of the IUCN Crocodile Specialists Group
- Animal Biology
- Ecotourism
- Applied Ecology
- Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
- Geographic Information System for Natural Resource Management
- Remote Sensing for Natural Resource Management
In Peer Reviewed Journals
- Santiapillai, C., Silva, A., Karyawasam, C., Esufali, S., Jayanithi, S., Basnayake, M., Unantenne, V & Wijeyamohan, S. (1998). Trade in Asian Elephant Ivory in Sri Lanka. Oryx, 33: 176-180.
- Santiapillai, C., Wijeyamohan, S., Ashby and K.R. (1999). The ecology of free-living population of the ass (Equus africanus) at Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka. Biological Conservation, 91: 43-53.
- Santiapillai, C., de Silva, M., Dissanayake, S., Jayaratne, B.V.R. & Wijeyamohan, S. (1999). An Ecological Study of Crocodiles in the Ruhuna National Park, Sri Lanka. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society, 97: 33-41
- Santiapillai, C., de Silva M, Dissanayake, S., Jayaratne, B.V.R., & Wijeyamohan, S., (2000). An Ecological Study of Crocodiles in the Ruhuna National Park, Sri Lanka. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society, 97: 33-41
- Santiapillai, C. & Wijeyamohan, S. (2003). The impact of war on wildlife in Sri Lanka. Current Science, 84: 1182-1183
- , Wijeyamohan, S., Wijesundara, C. & Vandercone, R. (2003). Population structure, composition, and abundance of elephants in Minneriya National Park, Sri Lanka. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society, 100: 308-321.
- Vandercone, R., Sajithran, T.M., Wijeyamohan, S. & Santiapillai, C. (2004). The status of the Baobab (Adansonia digitata) in Mannar Island, Sri Lanka. Current Science 87: 1709-1713.
- Ratnayake, S., Wijeyamohan, S. & Santiapillai, C. (2006). The status of the sloth bear in Sri Lanka. 35–40. in Oi, T., T. Mano, K. Yamazaki, T. Aoi, M. Carr, M. Durnin, C. B. Imaki, A. Takayanagi, and T. Tsubota, editors. Understanding bears to secure their future. Gifu, Japan Bear Network.
- Wijeyamohan, S., B. Read, and Santiapillai, C. (2010). Obtaining accurate body weights of captive elephants in Sri Lanka. Current Science, 99(8): 1033-1035.
- Santiapillai, C., Wijeyamohan, S., Bandara, G., Athurupana, R., Dissanayake, N., & Read, B. (2010). An assessment of the human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences), 39(1), 21–33.
- Santiapillai, C., Read, B., Jacobson, G., Wijeyamohan, S., & Rambukpotha, S. (2011). A paradigm shift in the management of musth among bull elephants in captivity in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences), 40(1), 25–32.
- Wijeyamohan, S., Sivakumar, V., Read, B., Schmitt, D.L., Krishnakumar, S. and Santiapillai, C. (2012). A simple technique to estimate linear body measurements of elephants. Current Science. 102(1): 26-28.
- Sivakumar, V., Bodhika, J.A.P., Jayatillaka, R., Pathiraja, C., Pathiratne, S.K., Dissanayake, S.R.B., Wijeyamohan, S., Santiapillai, C. (2013). Decibel level of firecrackers and its possible impact on the hearing of marauding elephants in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, 2, 593-600.
- Santiapillai, C., Wijeyamohan, S. (2013). The first national survey of elephants in Sri Lanka. Current Science. 105(2): 153-154.
- Wijeyamohan, S., Treiber, K., Schmitt, D., Santiapillai, C. (2015). A visual system for scoring body condition of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Zoo Biology 34, 53-59.
- Santiapillai, C., & Wijeyamohan, S. (2015). The Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus) in the Vicinity of the Giant’s Tank in Mannar District, Sri Lanka.Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences), 44(1), 61–66.
In Other Scientific Journals
- Wijeyamohan, S., de Silva, M. & Santiapillai, C. 1995. Conservation of Amphibian Diversity. Loris, 20: 154-157.
- Santiapillai, C., Dissanayake, S.R.B & Wijeyamohan, S. (1995). Habitat Enrichment in Block III & IV of Rukuna National Park, Sri Lanka. Gajah, 14: 32-42.
- Wijeyamohan, S., Alagoda, T.S.B & Santiapillai, C. (1995). Population Structure and Dynamics of Dusky Toque Monkey (Macaca sinica aurifrons) in the Udawattekele Sanctuary, Sri Lanka. Tigerpaper (FAO), 23: 14-19.
- Santiapillai, C., Wijeyamohan, S., Ashby and K.R. (2000). The Ass In Sri Lanka- its Ecology, Biological Significance and conservation. Sri Lanka Nature, 2: 4-7
- Santiapillai, C., Wijeyamohan, S. (2002). A Comparison of the Abundance of the Ass (Equus africanus) in Kalpitiya and Mannar, Sri Lanka. Tigerpaper, 29:1-3
- Wijeyamohan, S., Baheerathi, T., Luxmy, S., Prabha, K., Sajithran, T.M., Sivagini, S., Sivagnanam, V., Theeban, S., Wijesundara, C. & Santiapillai, C. (2002). Diversity of birds in the Giant’s Tank, Wanni region, Sri Lanka. Tigerpaper, 29: 11-14.
- Wijeyamohan, S. (2003). Biogas from elephant dung: a means of mitigating human-elephant conflict. Gajah, 22: 62-64
- Santiapillai, C. & Wijeyamohan, S. (2004). New sightings of crocodiles from northern Sri Lanka. Crocodile Specialist Group Newsletter, 23: 13-14
- Santiapillai, C. & Wijeyamohan, S. (2004). Rediscovery of crocodiles in the Jaffna peninsula, Sri Lanka. Crocodile Specialist Group Newsletter, 23:15-16
- Somaweera, R., Wiejeyamohan, S., Vandercone, R. & Santiapillai, C. (2004). Discovery of crocodiles on Mannar Island, Sri Lanka. Crocodile Specialist Group Newsletter, 23: 10-11.
- Sajithiran, T.M., Wijeyamohan, S. & Santiapillai, C. (2004). A comparative study of the diversity of birds in three reservoirs in Vavuniya, Sri Lanka. Tigerpaper, 13: 27-32
- Wijeyamohan, S., Dissanayake, S.R.B. and Santiapillai, C. (2006). Survey of Elephants in the Mannar District, Sri Lanka. Gajah, 24: 19-34.
- Mylvaganam, R., Baheerathi, T.,Wijeyamohan, S. and Santiapillai, C. (2006). An assessment of the bush meat trade in Northern Sri Lanka. Tigerpaper, 33(1):17-20
In International Conferences
- Wijeyamohan, S. (2021). Human Elephant Conflict Management in Hurulu, Kaudulla and Kanthale (HKK) Landscape in the Dry Zone of the Mahaweli River Basin. ESCAMP (Ecosystem Conservation Project). Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment. ‘SAMPATHPAYA’. Battaramulla, Sri Lanka (https://www.escamp.lk/reports/)
- H.M.P.A. Wijerathna*, A. F. Shama*, M. Noyalin* and S. Wijeyamohan 2021. A Preliminary Study on the Moth diversity (Lepidoptera) of University of Vavuniya, Pampaimadu, Sri Lanka. Paper Presented at the 1st Vavuniya University International Research Conference 15th October 2021. University of Vavuniya, Pambaimadhu, Vavuniya.
- Wijeyamohan, S., Jayaratne, B.V.R., Dissanayake, S., de Silva, M. & Santiapillai. C. (1996). A Preliminary Study of Crocodiles in the Ruhuna National Park, Sri Lanka. A paper presented at the International Conference on the Biology and Conservation of the South Asian Amphibian and Reptiles. 1-5 August 1996 at the Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Wijeyamohan, S., Vandercone, R. & Santiapillai, C. (2003). Observations on the Grey Francolin Francolinus pondicerianus ceylonensis (Whistler) in the vicinity of the Giant’s Tank, Sri Lanka. Poster presentation at the Third International Symposium on Galliformes, 4-10 April, 2004. Dehra Dun, India.
- Wijeyamohan, S. (2005). Biogas from elephant dung. A new concept in elephant conservation in Sri Lanka. In Conference Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste ed Ahring. B.K. and Hartmann, H. Vol II (pp 218-222). Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Wijeyamohan, S., Read, B., Schmitt, D.L., and Santiapillai, C. (2011). Laser assisted photogrammetric technique to measure shoulder height and body length of elephants. Paper presented at the 2011 International Elephant and Rhino conservation and research symposium. October 10-14, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
- Wijeyamohan S, Perera V, Prasad T, Abeywardana M, Dissanayake SRB, Schmitt DL, et al. (2013). The role of standing sedation in mitigating the human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka, 2013 International Elephant & Rhino Conservation and Research Symposium (pp. 848-855).: Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium: Pittsburgh, USA.
- Wijeyamohan, S. and Santiapillai, C. (2013). An overview of human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka with recommendations for its mitigation. Paper presented at the Symposium on Human-Elephant Relations in South and Southeast Asia, University of Canterbury, New Zealand May 7 & 8.
- Rupasinghe, K.H.N.D, Wijekoon, P.K., Santiapillai, C. and Wijeyamohan S. (2014). Application of indirect adjusted rates to understand the movement behavior of elephants in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Session, at University of Peradeniya.
- Rajapaksha, R.D.C.S., Dissanayake, D.M.H.K., Wijekoon, P., Santiapillai, C. and Wijeyamohan, S. (2014). Assessment of habitat suitability and environmental factors affecting the distribution of elephants in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Session, at University of Peradeniya.
- Wijeyamohan, S., Kiso, W., Schmitt, D.L, Santiapillai, C., Vijitha Perera, Abeywardana, M. & Jayasingam, T. (2017). Assessment of Feeding and Movement in Relation to Body Condition Score of Asian Female Elephants (Elephas maximus) at Private Facilities in Sri Lanka and the USA. 38th Annual Elephants Managers Association Conference 2017 (281-306), October 3 to 5 2017 Columbus Zoo. Elephant Managers Association.
- Wijeyamohan, S. (2020). Success of Vertically Hanging Electric Fence to Mitigate Human-Elephant Conflict. Abstract Accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence. Oxford, London. (Scheduled to be held of 1-3 April 2020, but postponed due October due to Covid19 Pandemic).
In Local Conferences
- Wijeyamohan, S., Jayaratne, B.V.R., Dissanayake, S., de Silva, M. & Santiapillai. C. (1996). A Preliminary Study of Crocodiles in the Ruhuna National Park, Sri Lanka. A paper presented at the International Conference on the Biology and Conservation of the South Asian Amphibian and Reptiles. 1-5 August 1996 at the Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka,
- Wijeyamohan, S. and Silva, E.I.L. (2005). Preliminary study on the limnology of Giant’s Tank, Mannar district – Some physiochemical characteristics. Oral presentation at the 12th annual session of SLAFAR, Colombo.
- Ramethaa, J., Wijekoon, P., Santiapillai C, and Wijeyamohan, S. (2011). An Assessment of the Coexistence of Humans and Elephants in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka, Vol. 16, 24th November 2011
- Wijeyamohan, S., Schmitt, D., Santiapillai, C. (2014). Major environmental factors affecting body condition scores of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Uda Walawe National Park, Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, Sri Lanka. University of Peradeniya.
- Wijeyamohan, S. Santiapillai, C. and Jayasingam, T. (2019). A survey of the birds associated with Valukkai aru in the Jaffna peninsula, Sri Lanka. WildLanka International Symposium 2019. 2nd and 3rd September, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Popular Scientific articles in Newspapers
- Santiapillai, C. & Wijeyamohan, S. 1997. Global Warming: Where do we go from here? In Daily News (Sri Lanka). 16th July 1997.p.8.
- Santiapillai, C. & Wijeyamohan, S. 2002. Counting elephants in the wild. The Island 21 July, p. 13.
- Santiapillai, C. & Wijeyamohan, S. 2003. Protected areas in danger of becoming “empty forests”. Sunday Island. April 6. p. 6.
- Santiapillai, C. & Wijeyamohan, S. 2003. Wildlife: In war and peace. The Sunday Times Plus. 4 May. p.
- Conservation Brochures on Biodiversity of Sri Lanka (to promote conservation awareness among school children) Co-authored conservation brochures on: The Grey Francolin, The Feral Ass, The Sloth Bear, The Baobab Three and The Crocodiles.
- Santiapillai, C. Kahl, M.P., Wijesundara, C. Wijesundara, M., & Wijeyamohan, S. (2003). An Illustrated Guide to the Resident Birds of the Wetlands of Sri Lanka. Godage International Publishers (PVT) Ltd. Wellampitiya, Sri Lanka.
Book Chapters
- Santiapillai, C., Vandercone, R. and Wijeyamohan, S. (2004). The Asian Elephant in “Leopards and other Wildlife” compiled & edited by Gehan de Silva Wijeyaratne. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Published by Jetwing Hotels and Jetwing Eco Holidays under the Jetwing Research Initiative.
- Santiapillai, C., & Wijeyamohan, S. (2016). Conservation and the History of Human-Elephant Relations in Sri Lanka. In P. Locke & J. Buckingham (Eds.), Rethinking Human-Elephant Relations in South Asia (pp. 229-241). New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press.