Prof. (Ms.) A. Nanthakumaran
BScHons (Agri) (EUSL), MSc (Norway), PhD (TNAU, India)
Professor in Environmental Science
+94 715364459
Research interest, Tank Irrigation Management, Water resource Management, Environmental Valuation
Academic Records
- Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India)
- M.Sc. in Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture (Agricultural University of Norway)
- B.Sc. Hons. (Agriculture) (Eastern University, Sri Lanka)
Admin Roles
Positions held
- July 2015 – To date: Senior Lecturer Gr. I in Environmental Science, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna.
- July 2009- July 2015: Senior Lecturer Gr. II in Environmental Science, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna.
- March 2003 – July 2009: Lecturer (Probationary) in Environmental Science, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna.
- September 1989- March 2003: Lecturer, School of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Vavuniya.
- May 1989 – September 1989: Lecturer, Dept. of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
Administrative posts
- Dean, Faculty of Applied Science, Vavuniya Campus – 17thJune 2019 to date
- Head, Dept. of Bio-science, Faculty of Applied Science -7thMay 2019 –16thJune 2019
- Head of the Dept. of Bio-science, Faculty of Applied Science- September 2011– August 2017
- Co-ordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Faculty of Applied Science– August 2017 -July 2019
- Co-ordinator, Staff Development Centre, Vavuniya Campus – December 2015 – May 2017
- Senior Treasurer, Student Union, Faculty of Applied Science -2012 – 2016
- Student Counsellor- September 2009 – August 2010; April 2015 – March 2016
Postgraduate Supervision
- Kanchana Kandasamy “Economic valuation of Mangrove ecosystem in Jaffna Peninsula” MSc. in Environmental Science, PGIS, University of Peradeniya.
- S. Shanmugarajah “Investigation of factors affecting Dengue outbreak; A case study in Vavuniya district, Sri Lanka” MSc in Environmental Science, PGIS, University of Peradeniya.
- K. Arjunan “Spatial distribution of Parthenium hysterophorus and association of native flora in Parthenium sp. dominated habitats in Vavuniya, Sri Lanka” MSc in Biodiversity, Ecotourism and Environment Management. PGIS, University of Peradeniya.
- M. S. Rinoos “Study on Efficiency and Appropriateness of Oxidation Pond System of Vavuniya Tank established in 2017”, MSc in Environmental Science, Open University of Sri Lanka.
- Sahilabanu “Declining paddy productivity in Mannar district”, MSc. degree in Environmental Science, Open University of Sri Lanka.
- Balachandran Sathiyarani, Master of Education, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Jaffna.
- Gunanathan Sutharsan, Master of Education Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Jaffna.
- Ms Fasmy Sithy Jentha, Master of Education, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Jaffna.
- Thanukody Jeyakumar Master of Education, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Jaffna.
Resource Person for seminars/ workshops/training programmes/ short courses
- “Mainstreaming Gender” organized by GEEC and SDC, University of Jaffna.
- “Ensuring sustainability of waste management initiatives in Mannar Urban Council” organized by International Water Management Institute as a part of the project funded by UNOPS as a component of EU-SDDP).
- “Solid Waste Management Systems and Practices in School Environment” for Environment Pioneer District Advisors, Zonal and Divisional Commissioners in Northern Province Regional and District Officials, organized at Integrated Farm and Training Centre, Puliankulam, Vavuniya.
- “Awareness programme on Invasive Alien Species to the Government official;s in Northern Province” organized by “Strengthening Capacity to control the Introduction and Spread of Alien Invasive Species in Sri Lanka Project” of the Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment at District Agricultural Training Centre, Thirunelveli, Jaffna.
- “Importance of Rain Water Harvesting as Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy on Water Resources” conducted at Kilinochchi
- “Emerging trends in Water and Wastewater Treatment” organized by Asian Development Bank consultant of Jaffna and Kilinochchi Water Supply and Sanitation Project (JKWSSP) conducted in Jaffna.
- “Awareness programme on control and management of Invasive Alien Species” organized by Biodivesity Secretariat of the Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment held in Vavuniya.
- “Awareness on Solid Waste Management” organized by Zonal Education office Vavuniya at Science Field Study Center in Vavuniya.
- “E-waste management” organized by Central Environmental Authority together with Zonal Education Office.
- “Benefits of Trees” to the local community, school students of G.C.E (A/L) and the officials at Omanthai, Vavuniya to mark Dayata Sevana National Tree Planting day.
- “Practical exercises for Advanced Level Agricultural Teachers” organized by Dept of Technical Education at National Institute of Education, Magaragama.
- “Water Pollution and Global Warming” conducted in Vavuniya.
- “Economic crop cultivation & Marketing” conducted at District Agricultural Training Centre, Vavuniya.
- “Trends in Organic Agriculture and Importance of Micro Irrigation” at Nedunkerny, Vavuniya.
- “Sustainable agriculture production and scientific livestock rearing” – business plan preparation to support small holders’ on Integrated Agriculture farm.
Visiting Lecturer/Academic
- Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development for the BSc (special) in Environmental Science at Dept. of Zoology, University of Colombo.
- MSc in Environmental Science at Faculty of Engineering Technology Open University of Sri Lanka.
- Bachelor of Technology/BSE programme at Faculty of Engineering Technology, Open University of Sri Lanka.
- Master of Science in Environmental Management at Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Jaffna.
Teaching for undergraduates
- Resource and Environmental Economics
- Sustainable Development and Environmental Policy
- Research Methods for Resource and Environmental Management
- Applied Hydrology and Water Resource Management
- Ground and Surface Water Resource Management
- Environment and Agriculture
- Integrated Approaches to Pest and Weed Management
- Principles of Economics
- Project Management
Peer reviewed research publications published in refereed journals
- Nanthakumaran, A., Kadupitiya, H.K., Devaisy, S. and Athukorale, W.E.P. (2021) Exploring the village tank cascade systems (VTCSs) in Vavuniya district, Sri Lanka. Journal of Water and Climate Change. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/wcc.2021.412
- Uthayashangar, S., Nanthakumaran, A. and Devaisy, S. (2019). Status of the saltwater intrusion in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Ceylon Journal of Science, 48(3), 235–241. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/cjs.v48i3.7647
- Balachandran, T. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2019) Efficacy of Treatment of Rice Mill Wastewater using Canna indica. Journal of Science and Management, 4 (1), 73 -83.
- Ramya, R., Nanthakumaran, A. and Senanayake, I.P. (2019). Identification of Artificial Groundwater Recharge Zones in Vavuniya District Using Remote Sensing and GIS. AGRIEAST: Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(1), 44-55. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/agrieast.v13i1.63
- Balachandran, T., Nanthakumaran, A., Devaisy, S. and Sivanesan, K.S. (2018) Role of Colacasiaesculenta in constructed wetlands for treating rice mill wastewater. AGRIEAST: Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 12(2), 19–26. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/agrieast.v12i2.56
- Tharani, G., Akther, M.S.R. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2016) Assessment of Women Participation in Agriculture in Vavuniya District of Sri Lanka. International Journal of Social Sciences and Management, 3 (3), 159-162.
- Tharani, G., Nanthakumaran, A. and Karunainathan, T. (2015) Hydrological Interaction between Surface Water and Ground Water in Vavuniya District of Sri Lanka International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 4(9), 39-44, ISSN 2319 -1414.
- Luxmini, K.P.AM.M.K., Nanthakumaran, A. and Karunainathan, T. (2015) Technical feasibility and the Performance of Sprinkler Irrigation System in Mannar, Sri Lanka. International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 4(9), 59-62, ISSN 2319 -1414.
- Perera, K.I.M, and Nanthakumaran, A. (2015) Technical feasibility and effectiveness of vermicomposting at household level. Tropical Plant Research, 2(1), 51 – 57.
- Akther, M.S.R, Nanthakumaran, A. and Sivanantharaja, S. (2014) Distribution and data compilation of irrigation tanks to facilitate their management using GIS. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology, 25(2): 63-67. ISSN 2229 – 6107.
- Nanthakumaran, A. and Palanisami. K., (2013) Efficiency in Sugarcane Production under Tank Irrigation Systems in Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Environmental Professionals Sri Lanka. 1(1), 1-13.
- Nanthakumaran, A. and Palanisami, K. (2010) Assessment of the Potential of Groundwater Supplementation by Estimating the Stabilization Value of Tank Irrigation Systems in Tamil Nadu, India, Tropical Agricultural Research, 2010, Sri Lanka, 22(1), 84-93.
- Nanthakumaran, A. and Palanisami.K., (2010) Paddy Production Efficiency of the Farmers under Tank Irrigation Systems in Tamil Nadu. Journal of Dry Zone Agriculture, Sri Lanka, 1(1), 59-71
Peer reviewed presentations/ publications as full paper at National / International conference
- Arjunan, K., Nanthakumaran, A., Yatigammana, S. K. and Devaisy, S. (2021). Invasion of Parthenium hysterophorus L. weed over other common weeds in the Vavuniya district, Sri Lanka. Open University Research Sessions 2021. 16 -17 September, p.32.
- Madhushani, K.G.S. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2021) Potential use of various biochars produced from different plant materials on physico-chemical properties in sloping land soils, Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, Sri Lanka 29-31 October, p.7
- Kanchana, A. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2021) Livelihood options in mangrove ecosystem and the impact of its degradation on environment (A Case study in Jaffna Peninsula). Young Scientists Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2021, Young Scientists Association, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka, p.19
- Madhushani, K.G.S. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2019) Impacts of biochar on erosion potential of soil in slope land. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Agriculture. Eastern University, Sri Lanka. pp. 94-100
- Fernando, K.S.D. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2018) Crop Residues with Fodder Trees to produce Good Quality Silage. 8th International Symposium on Innovative Multidisciplinary Research for Green Development. South Eastern University. Sri Lanka 17-18 December. pp. 92 – 101
- Athukorale, W.E.P., Nanthakumaran, A. and Kadupitiya, H.K. (2018) Identification of cascade systems and assessment of the performance of village tanks at Madukanda Agrarian Service Centre. 8th International Symposium on Innovative Multidisciplinary Research for Green Development. South Eastern University. Sri Lanka 17-18 December. pp. 83 – 91
- Ahalya, A. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2017) Production of Leafy Vegetables in a Recirculating Aquaponic System using Common Carp (Cyprinuscarpio) Effluent. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka. Sympossium Proceedings of the Water Professionals’ Day. University of Peradeniya. Sri Lanka 2 October. pp.103 – 109.
- Wijesinghe W.A.N.J., Nanthakumaran, A. and Kayanan, S. (2017) Socioeconomic Determinants of Solid waste Generation at Household Level within the Urban Council Limits of Vavuniya. 4th Annual Research Sympossium on Social Sciences and Humanities, National Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities & Social Sciences. Sri Lanka 20 December. pp.143-146
- Nanthakumaran, A., Kayanan, S. and Kishoran, S. (2016) Pollution Reduction Potential of Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland System. Proceeding of 6th International Symposium. South Eastern University. Sri Lanka 20 – 21 December. pp. 181-186
- Sudusinghe, S.A., Nanthakumaran, A. and Kadupitiya, H.K. (2016) Identification of Cascade Systems and Assessment of the Performance of Village Tanks in Kovilkulam Agrarian Centre Area. 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment. Sri Lanka 16 – 18 December. pp.47-53
- Arjunan, K. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2016) Identifying an appropriate and sustainable irrigation method using some remotely sensed parameters for the crop cultivation in Vavuniya district. International Conference. Sabragamuwa University. Sri Lanka. Procedia Food Science 6 (2016). pp.127 – 132.
- Ramya, R., Nanthakumaran, A. and Senanayake, I.P. (2016) Identification of the Groundwater Potential Zones in Vavuniya District Using GIS, Power of Research: Force for Tomorrow’s Agricultural Development, 3rd International Conference on Agricultural Sciences, 8-9 December, p.135-137.
- Sandhamali, W.D.P. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2016) Can Rain Water Harvesting be a Solution for Household Water Security? (A Case study in Monaragala district). 3rdInternational Research Symposium. Innovation for Sustainability. Rajararata University. Sri Lanka 26 –27, January. 65 -71
- Sandamali, W.D.P and Nanthakumaran, A. (2015) Economic Status of Rural Households with Rainwater Harvesting Systems: A Case Study in Monaragala District. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka. Sympossium Proceedings of the Water Professionals’ Day. University of Peradeniya. Sri Lanka 1 October. pp.25-29
- Nanthakumaran, A. and Kayanan, S. (2015) Phytoremediation potential of three grass spp. in a constructed wetland system. Emerging trends and Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research. 5th International Symposium. South Eastern University. Sri Lanka 7- 8 December pp. 167-169.
- Suceendra, S. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2013) Economic viability of sprinkler irrigation system on onion in Vavuniya. Proceeding of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment. University of Ruhunu. Sri Lanka 28 November pp. 317 -321
- Nanthakumaran, A. and Sobana, K. (2013) Analysis of Carbon: Nitrogen ratio of market waste compost, Annual Academic Session -2013. Open University of Sri Lanka, 27-28 November pp. 415 -416
- Nanthakumaran, A. and Palanisami, K. (2010) Improving the Performance of Tank Irrigation with Groundwater Use in Tamil Nadu. 3rd International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management. Climate Change – Water, Food and Environmental Security. Hyderabad. India 3-6 February. pp.735-742
- Nanthakumaran, A. and Palanisami, K. (2010) Water Market in the Tank Irrigation Systems in Tamil Nadu. International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment. Kandy. Sri Lanka 12 -14 December. pp.105-110
- Nanthakumaran, A. and Palanisami, K. (2010) Farmer Participation on Water Management in the Tank Irrigated Systems in Tamil Nadu. International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, Kandy. Sri Lanka 12 -14 December. pp.90-97
Published in abstract form
- Kumarasinghe, M.A.N., Nanthakumaran, A. and Kayanan, S. (2018), Pesticide Use and Health Behaviour of Farmers in Rajanganaya, Social Sciences & Humanities, Towards Sustainable Future. International Research Symposium Proceedings of National Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Sri Lanka, 13 – 14 December 2018, p.4
- Vijitharan, S. and Nanthakumaran, A. and Gunatilake, J. (2018) Dengue Outbreaks in Vavuniya District, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, Sri Lanka 9 – 10 November 2018, p.28.
- Madhushani, K.G.S. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2018) Effectiveness of Biochar on Soil Erosion Potential in a Slope Land. Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, Sri Lanka 9 – 10 November 2018, p.26.
- Pradip Shah, Nanthakumaran, A. and Ken Kawamoto (2018) Assessing water quality for drinking purpose at Pampaimadu (Vavuniya). 6th Conference on Sri Lanka – Japan Collaborative Research. Sri Lanka – Japan study centre, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka 31August – 1 September, p.8
- Nanthakumaran, A. (2018) Are village tanks sustainable in Vavuniya, Sri Lanka?. Proceedings Wayamba International Conference, Sri Lanka 24 – 25 August 2018, p.306.
- Ahalya, A. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2017) A pilot study on leafy vegetable production in a recirculating aquaponic system using common carp (Cyprinuscarpio) effluent. Vavuniya Campus International Research Symposium, 9 August, p.14.
- Ahalya, A. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2018) Investigate the suitability of Gold Fish (Carassius auratus) effluent as a nutrient source in recirculating aquaponic systems. Proceeding of the 2nd International Research Symposium, Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka 1 -2 February. p. 226.
- Thadsajini, B. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2017) Investigation of the potential removal of pollutants from rice mill wastewater by Canna indica through vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland. Vavuniya Campus International Research Symposium, 9 August, p.16
- Nanthakumaran, A and Ramya, R. (2017) Impact of Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus) on human health (A GIS based assessment) Proceeding of National symposium on Invasive Alien Species (IAS) 2017, Waters Edge, Battaramulla 20 January, p.8.
- Weerawardana, B.K.G., Nanthakumaran, A. and Arjunan, K. (2016) Spatial variability analysis on distribution of natural forage species in selected tank bed grasslands of Mahaweli system C in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Wayamba International Conference, Sri Lanka. “Managing systems from source to sink: current theories and applications, 19 – 20 August, p. 224
- Arjunan, K. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2015) Identifying an appropriate and sustainable irrigation method using some remotely sensed parameters for the crop cultivation in Vavuniya district, 5th International Conference of the Sabragamuwa University of Sri Lanka ICSUSL 2015 on Challenges beyond Food Security, 19 -20 November, Colombo, Sri Lanka. p.58
- Ranasingha, R.M.C.K and Nanthakumaran, A. (2015) Climate Change Adaptation Practices in Crop Cultivation: Case study in Anuradhapura district, Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka, 5 – 6 November, p.30.
- Mufeeth, M.S.M and Nanthakumaran, A. (2015) Adoption of Micro Irrigation Technology in Dry Zone of Sri Lanka: A Case Study in Vavuniya District. Engineering Social Transformation through Research & Development, National Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities & Social Sciences (NCAS), Annual Research Symposium, 8–9 June, 39.
- Kishoran, S. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2014) Total Economic Value of Pavatkulam Irrigation Tank, Eighth Annual Research Forum, Sri Lanka Agricultural Economics Association, Sri Lanka 12 December, p.31
- Akther, M.S.R. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2014) Impact Assessment of Rehabilitation on Irrigation Tank Performance in Vavuniya district, Eighth Annual Research Forum, Sri Lanka Agricultural Economics Association, Sri Lanka 12 December, p.33.
- Suganniya, W and Nanthakumaran, A. (2014) Impacts of Anthropogenic Activities on Some Aspects of Batticaloa Lagoon, Proceedings of the Wayamba University International Conference, Sri Lanka, 29-30 August, p. 88.
- Nanthakumaran, A. (2014) Curriculum revision for the degree program of Environmental Science International Conference on Chemical Education College of Chemical Sciences, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, 3-4 April, p.97.
- Arjunan, K., Nanthakumaran, A. and Suthakar, S. (2014) Application of SEBAL model for the mapping of evapotranspiration potential in Vavuniya district, Perspectives for Contemporary Agriculture Challenges and Future Directions, International Conference of Agricultural Sciences, Sabragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, 9 – 10 January, P. 68.
- Nanthakumaran, A. and Naveendrakumar, G., (2013) Quality comparison of market waste compost, Exploring Science and Technology for National Development, Annual Science Research Session (ASRS-2013), South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 3 December. p.20
- Kanthasamy, S. and Nanthakumaran, A., (2012) Household willingness to pay for improved solid waste management services within the Urban Council (UC) limits of Vavuniya, Proceeding of 17th international Forestry and Environment Symposium- 2012 of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Services, University of Sri Jayawardenepura Sri Lanka,16 – 17 November, p.49.
- Kanthasamy, S. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2012) Existing coastal zone vegetation and expected coastal inundation areas in Jaffna district. The first international conference on Oceanography in the Bay of Bengal 28- 29 November, P.27.
- Kanthasamy, K. and Nanthakumaran, A. (2012) Assessment of Existing Solid Waste Management practices within the Urban Council limit of Vavuniya, Proceeding of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, University of Ruhunu, 29 November, p.345.
- Nanthakumaran, A. and Palanisami.K. (2010) Threshold level of Groundwater use in the Tank Command areas in Tamil Nadu, Science and Management towards Development in the Post-Conflict Scenario in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the Vavuniya Campus Annual Research Session (VCARS), Sri Lanka, 27 October, p.13.
- Nanthakumaran, A. and Palanisami, K. (2010) Impact of Farmer Participation on Tank Management in Tamil Nadu, International Symposium, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya, 26 -28 August, p.23.
- Nanthakumaran, A. (2010) Crop Diversification of Paddy Lands under Minor Irrigation Systems in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Proceedings of the 60th Annual Session, 17 -22 December, p.33.
Contributions at National/University level
- Best Presention award – 2020 for the final international conference on Wa-So project conducted in Norway
- Best research award – 2010 for PhD research awarded by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
- Short term fellowship by IWMI-TATA Water Policy Research Program, International Water Management Institute, Hyderabad, India to carry out the research on Management of Tank Irrigation with Groundwater Use in Tamil Nadu in 2009.
- National Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (NCAS), Sri Lanka to read a PhD degree at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India in 2006.
- Norwegian Aid Development (NORAD) to follow Master’s degree in Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture at Agriculture University of Norway in Norway in 1997.
At National level
- Charter member of Institute of Environmental Professionals (IEPSL) (National level) since 2018 and the member of IEPSL since 19th August 2011
- Executive-committee member and life member of Sri Lanka Agricultural Economics Association (National level) From 2009 to 2013
- Review panel member for Northern Province Water Resource Development Colloquium held on 28th, 29th and 30th January 2017.
- A Jury member of Sri Lanka Inventors Commission to evaluate inventions of Northern Province in 2016, 2017, 2018.
- Citizen Engagement in budget proposal -2017 initiated by the Ministry of Finance in its project – Road map to National Budget for the first time in 2016. I took the lead for Vavuniya and Mannar districts and prepared the report on needs of the citizens by participatory approach and submitted to the Ministry of Finance through University of Jaffna.
- Co-controller of G.C.E.(A/L) Biosystem technology Practical examination since 2016.
- Contributed to prepare IAS distribution documentation in the Northern province of Sri Lanka. This project is coordinated by Bio diversity secretariat, Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment funded by UNDP.
At University level
- Reviewer of research articles for Journals.
- Action Committee member of International conferences held by University of Jaffna and by Vavuniya Campus
- Reviewer for Program review in State Universities -2018 and 2019. Chairperson for the committee to review the degree program of BSc (Finance) special at University of Sri Jayewardenepura and the member of the panel for Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery degree programme, University of Colombo.