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Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as PDF via the MS Conference Management Toolkit. There are no page limitations. Manuscripts must comply with the following:
Font: Times New Roman, single line space
The maximum word count is 1500, including abstract, main text and title
Manuscripts should not contain any information to identify or trace the authors
A precise title is mandatory (14 pt., centre-aligned)
A single paragraph abstract less than 150 words (11 pt., bold)
3 – 6 Keywords (11 pt., italics)
Subtitles: 12 pt., bold, left-aligned
Main text: 11 pt., justified
Introduction: maximum of three paragraphs
Background / Literature review
Problem specification/statement
All the tables and figures should be captioned and cited in-text. When citing a table or a figure in text, refer to it by its number, such as “Table 1” or “Figure 2”
Discussion (optional)
Conclusion(s): single paragraph
Reference (Use “Cite them right 10th edition – Harvard” referencing style), It is highly encouraged to use any reference management tool