Registration Process

The presenters who are willing to present their paper are encouraged to register after the notification of your paper acceptance as early as possibly to guarantee your place. The interested participate can participate with the participant registration.

Registration Fee




Presenting Authors


Rs. 1,500

Research students

Rs. 4,000

Non-author participants

Rs. 1,500

Direct Bank Deposit

Bank Name People's Bank
Bank Code 7135
Branch Vavuniya
Branch Code 040
Account Name University of Vavuniya
Account Number 040-1-003-8-1640087

Online Payment Portal

Dear valued participants,

Please click the provided button below to open the online payment gateway, fill out the form and in the payment type dropdown option, Please select “FARS-FAS” and continue with the payment. Again please ensure the payment type before continuing to the payment interface.

Thank you.

To continue with the online payment gateway, Please click the button below