
For Undergraduates

Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya is delighted to announce its’ third Annual Student Research Congress (ASRC2024) as a part of FARS2024. Undergraduates from Sri Lankan universities are encouraged to contribute  ASRC2024 by submitting their research works. This is an excellent opportunity for undergraduates to present any stages of their research works. Accepted Abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings of ASRS2024. Accepted abstracts must be presented as posters at the congress.

Guidelines for abstract and poster submission at ASRC 2024

The abstract and poster should be prepared appropriately and submitted electronically (i.e., PDF) via the MS Conference Management Toolkit.

Guidelines for abstract

  • Title (14 pt., center-aligned)

A precise title is mandatory


  • Abstract (11 pt., justified, bold)

A single paragraph less than 300 words


  • Keywords (11 pt., left-aligned, italics)

Should be in alphabetic order

Provide 3–6 keywords

Guidelines for poster preparation

  • The size of the poster must be A0.

Abstract and Poster submission

Final Submission Deadline: 15-09-2024


Dr. R. Nagulan,

Coordinator, ASRC 2024
